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Refutation of Sita's Agni-Pariksha

Refutation of Sita's Agni-Pariksha

-Priyanshu Seth

Sita, the central character of the epic Ramayana is one of the most defining role model for womanhood in the world. The Ramayana describes that Sita had virtuousness, conscientiousness, delightful, adventuress, skilled in household works all these excellent qualities. But the episode of the Sita's Agni-Pariksha (Test by Fire) is marked as a disputed context in the Ramayana. This incident is mentioned in sargas 115 to 118 of the Yuddhakanda. According to this reference, after defeating Ravana in the war, Ram had taken Sita's Agni-Pariksha for accepting her. To accepting Sita it has been said by Ram that "your chastity has come under suspicion. Which man born in a noble family will take back a woman who had lived in another man's house?... I cannot take you back. I have no more any affection for you; you may go wherever you wish (115/17-21)". Sita then asks Lakshmana to light a fire and enters it, calling upon Agni, the God of fire, to vouch for her purity by protecting her (116/18-25). Sarga 117/6,9 says that the Gods remonstrated with Ram for rejecting Sita. Sarga 118/5-22 describes Agni deva coming out from the fire with Sita and praised her purity. Ram accepts Sita, saying that he had never doubt on Sita's purity and the Agni-Pariksha were ensured only in order to convince the men of the world at large of Sita's purity who might otherwise say that Ram accepted Sita out of pure lust.
This is the same context which have been the basis of criticisms on Ram & Sita by anti-religions. Let us review this. There are some question to consider to all antagonists and fake propagandists-

1. Firstly, we should see the character of Shri Ram in the Ramayana. We will get that he was so peaceful nature (Bala-Kanda 1/12-16). He was 'dharmajna', well versed in all the shastras, was always sweet-spoken and never got angry, not even when spoken to harshly. While in the Agni-Pariksha chapter, Ram appears to speak and act very harshly. Was it really Ram who was saying such things and acting so harshly? Based on this point how can we assume that Ram said disagreeable & obnoxious words to Sita which had constrained her to do the Agni-pravesh and prove her chastity?

2. The mutual love between Ram and Sita was so great that each could read the other's innermost heart. He loved her so much that he could never leave her behind or abandon her. Ram is full of praise not only for Sita's family, but for Sita herself, and says that she is dearer to him than life itself. Valmiki also declares that Sita was dearer to Ram than life itself (Aranyakanda 10/21 says that Sita was "pranebhyo api gariyasi" for Ram). Can it be accepted by seeing this mutual love between Ram and Sita that Ram will have be taken any examination for accepting Sita?

3. In the sarga 60/11-22 of the Aranyakanda are almost entirely on Ram's distressed lament at his separation from Sita when she was aducted by Ravana. His agony was so great that it drove him to near madness and he went about in the forest asking the trees and flowers for news of Sita. He also said that I shall rid the world of rakshasas (64/65). Even in Yuddhakanda (4/6), Ram had declared, "I shall kill Ravana and bring Sita back". Tell me when Ram knew that he has to liberate Sita from Ravana, so why did Ram say to give the Agni-Pariksha to Sita? Why would he talk about separation from her? If Ram wanted to take Sita's examination, why did he waged the war against Ravana?

4. A clue may be found in Rama's specifically instructing Vibhishana to bring Sita to his presence after she was bathed and anointed and decorated with ornaments etc. Like any one eager to meet a loved one after a long separation, she wanted to go and see her husband immediately, as she was, unbathed and unadorned, her hair unbraided, and dressed only in the well-worn and soiled dress that she was then wearing. She said to Vibhishana, 'I want to meet my husband without bathing (adornment)'. But he insisted that she should follow her husband's instructions (Yuddhakanda 114/7-11). How could Ram say like this while he also wanted to meet Sita after a long separation?

5. Lakshmana made line by fire on gestured by Ram, as it has come in the Yuddhakanda (116/21). But the Kishkindhakanda (6/22) says that Lakshmana worships of Sita every day. The Ramayana (Ayodhyakanda 40/9; Sundara-Kanda 38/57) declared that Sita is similar to mother for Lakshmana. With this proof how is this possible to draw the fire-line by Lakshmana for his mother?

6. When Ravana tries to touch Sita, she says, "If you are a jackal then I am a lioness, I'm always rare for you. Yet do you have courage to get me? Like no one can touch the effulgence of the sun, Similarly you can not touch me (Aranyakanda 47/37)." This proves Sita's chastity. I would like to give one more proof in my favour. Hanuman has said to Sita after reached in Lanka that "You sit on my back, I'll free your sadness from Rakshasas today." Sita says in its reply- "Keeping the husband's devotion, I do not want to touch the body of any another person other than Shri Ram (Sundara-Kanda 37/21 & 62)".
Every allegations which was supporting Sita's Agni-Pariksha becomes dashed in front of this predominent proof. When it has come clearly in Sundara-Kanda that Sita was only devoted to her husband, so what would be the big and other proof in her chastity?

Also it is impossible to accept Agni-Pariksha with scientific vision. The above analysis shows that the agni-pravesha episode is a biggest myth i.e. interpolation, with justification and in a manner consistent with the rest of the Ramayana.


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