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Jesus - The Biggest Lie

Jesus - The Biggest Lie
(A Debate Between A Christian Pastor and Arya)

Author- Priyanshu Seth
Translated In English by- DS Balaji Arya

Pastor - Jesus was an incarnation of God, who came between us to bless Humanity. 

Arya - Tell me, Can Lord ever die? If no then how did Jesus die? If he wanted to help Humanity, then was it only then that Humans needed help? Humans have suffered even worse many times? Where was Jesus all those times?

Pastor - Jesus did not die, he returned to life after three days

Arya - Ok, let's assume for a moment that he did come back to life. Then tell me where is he now? Did he become disoriented? If yes then why? IS eh scared for getting crucified again?

Pastor - No he is in all of our hearts.

Arya - If he is in our hearts right now? Was he out of our hearts when he was crucified?

Pastor - We are all incarnation of God, as said in Genesis - 1:23, I have created the Human as my Image, and fishes in the sea, birds in the sky, and domestic animals and all the organisms who crawl are mine.

Arya - Ok, if God himself said that he created Human like himself, then why do Humans commit crimes? If the Biblical God a criminal too for it's creation to do that way? Also, if Jesus was send to lay of all these crimes and sins, then the theory of God creating us in his image is proven a farce. 

Pastor - No, God has created everything as righteous, God himself has said that in Genesis - 1:31 " When God created everything, saw everything, he saw everything to be righteous. 

Arya - Why is this God looking at his creation like that? If he not Almighty and Omnipresent? 

Pastor - Don't Know, but Jesus is Indeed incarnation of God.

Arya - Incarnation means, which is impossible without a physical body. Which proves that Christian God is with a body, then why do you people claim your god to be Omnipresent?

Pastor - God will never fogive you!

Arya - Wow, First you quoted the Bible and said that God created us in his Image. But your God says in the Same Bible also says that - Jesus regreted creating Human on this planet - Genesis - 6:6.
Ask you God, why he keeps changing his stance so frequently. Is he a Chameleon? He needs to beg for forgiveness for lying so much in his Bible.

He has never shown his face. Actually for a very long time, Christians with a malicious intent for conversion have been lying that Jesus is indeed the Incarnation of God. He came back to life after three days. All this non-sense has been exposed now!

NOTE- God is Omnipresent, Perfect, Merciful, Inborn, Immortal, Formless, Almighty, All-Knowing, Creator of Everything. And only God with such qualities is worth believing and admiring.


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